DisCoTec 2019 Satellite Events

This page contains the instructions for workshops, tutorials and tools tracks.


The DisCoTec 2019 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to complement the three main conferences. The workshops should fall in the areas of the DisCoTec conferences. The aim is to provide a vivid and open forum for discussions, presentations of preliminary research results and ongoing work, as well as presentations of research work to a focused audience.

Workshops will be held in conjunction with the main events. Prospective workshop organizers are requested to contact the workshop chairs providing the following information:

Important Dates

Submission and notification deadlines

Submission and notification deadlines of the workshops are at the discretion of the individual workshop organizers, however notification must be no later than the early registration deadline for DisCoTec 2019 (to be announced).


The DisCoTec 2019 organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials by experts on topics related to those of the three main conferences of DisCoTec. Tutorials will be held in conjunction with the main events. Prospective speakers should contact the workshop chairs providing the following information:

Important Dates

Tools track

The DisCoTec 2019 organizing committee invites proposals for tool demonstrations on topics related to those of the three main conferences of DisCoTec. The call is open to anyone, but authors of papers accepted at the conferences of DisCoTec are strongly invited to present the tool accompanying their publication. Demos will be held in conjunction with the main events. Prospective speakers should contact the workshop chairs providing the following information:

Please note that three main conferences of DisCoTec also welcome submission of tool papers.

Important Dates

DisCoTec 2019 workshop chairs

Further information

For further information, please contact the workshop chairs at discotec2019@easychair.org