COORDINATION 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages

Coordination 2020 is one of the three conferences of DisCoTec 2020.

Keynote Speakers

List of accepted papers

Below you will find the list of accepted papers ordered and grouped as they will appear in the proceedings.

The programme will be available here

Coordination languages

Message-based communication

Communications: types & implementations

Service-oriented computing

Large-scale decentralised systems

Smart contracts


Verification & analysis


Modern information systems rely increasingly on combining concurrent, distributed, mobile, adaptive, reconfigurable and heterogeneous components. New models, architectures, languages and verification techniques are necessary to cope with the complexity induced by the demands of today’s software development. Coordination languages have emerged as a successful approach, in that they provide abstractions that cleanly separate behaviour from communication, therefore increasing modularity, simplifying reasoning, and ultimately enhancing software development. Building on the success of the previous editions, this conference provides a well-established forum for the growing community of researchers interested in models, languages, architectures, and implementation techniques for coordination.

Main topics of interest

Topics of interest encompass all areas of coordination, including (but not limited to) coordination related aspects of:

Special topics

COORDINATION 2020 is seeking for contributions that enable the cross-fertilisation with other research communities in computer science or in other engineering or scientific disciplines.

Depending on the quality of the contributions, we plan to have dedicated sessions in the program, possibly together with a panel discussion.

  1. Microservices (in collaboration with the Microservices Community)

    Microservices are a novel architectural style, taking to an extreme the ideas of service oriented computing. In microservices, applications are composed by loosely coupled entities, the microservices. Beyond that, single microservices should be small enough to be easily managed, modified, and if needed removed and rewritten from scratch. Microservices aim at obtaining high flexibility, reconfigurability and scalability, thanks also to the exploitation of containerization technologies such as Docker. Given that microservice-based applications are composed by many loosely-coupled microservices, techniques allowing one to coordinate their execution in order to obtain the desired behaviour are of paramount importance.

    Other events organised by the Microservices Community

    Upcoming Events

    Past Events

    Contacts: Ivan Lanese ( and Alberto Lluch Lafuente (

  2. Techniques to reason about interacting digital contracts

    With the rise of blockchains and cryptocurrencies, digital contracts have become popular in the form of smart contracts, which encode a financial transaction between possibly distrusting parties using a distributed consensus protocol. Although smart contracts bear the potential to benefit society quite fundamentally (e.g., equalize access to financial infrastructure, increase fairness), the benefits are shadowed by the existence of severe security vulnerabilities in deployed smart contracts and smart contract languages. In the 2020 instantiation of COORDINATION, we are soliciting contributions on new programming language paradigms and patterns for expressing digital contract interactions, verification and analysis techniques for checking safety and liveness properties and guaranteeing correctness of digital contracts, as well as compositionality and scalability of digital contract reasoning techniques.

    Contacts: Stephanie Balzer ( and Anastasia Mavridou (

Tool papers

We welcome tool papers that describe experience reports, technological artefacts and innovative prototypes (including engines, APIs, etc.), for coordinating, modelling, analysing, simulating or testing systems, as well as educational tools in the scope of the research topics of COORDINATION. In addition, we welcome submissions promoting the integration of existing tools relevant to the community. Submissions to the tool track must include an extended abstract and a link to a demo video that previews the potential tool presentation at the conference. Both the abstract and the video will be decisive criteria in the selection process. Authors of accepted contributions will be asked to produce a regular (full) paper to appear in the conference proceedings, which will be subject to a lightweight revision process.

Interested authors can contact the tool track chairs (Omar Inverso, Hugo Torres Vieira for details.



See the DisCoTec submission dates.

Publication and Special Issues

Authors are invited to submit papers electronically in PostScript or PDF using a two-phase online submission process. Registration of the paper information and abstract (max. 250 words) must be completed according to the DisCoTec submission dates. Submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference management system, accessible from the conference web site:

Contributions must be written in English and report on original, unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP’s Author Code of Conduct, see under Publications/Links). The submissions must not exceed the total page number limit (see below) prepared using Springer’s LNCS style. Submissions not adhering to the above specified constraints may be rejected without review.

Submission categories:

The conference proceedings, formed by accepted submissions will be published by Springer in the LNCS Series.

Special Issues

Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science and a separate special issue dedicated to tool papers is being planned. Special issues for last year’s edition are under preparation in Logical Methods in Computer Science for selected research papers, and in Science of Computer Programming for selected tool papers (as a collection of Original Software Publications.

Program committee chairs

Tool track chairs

Program committee members

Steering committee

Sponsors & Supporters

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