Robotics, Electronics and Machine Vision
The seminar “Robotics, Electronics and Machine Vision” is one of the workshops at DisCoTec 2022, the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques and invites you to participate in the discussion of issues related to robotics, electronics and machine vision in its various aspects at all levels and in all contexts.
COVID-19: REMV is planned as a physical, in-person event, with certain support for remote presence, both for speakers and for other participants who are unable or unwilling to come. Depending on the
pandemic situation, we may have to make a decision whether to cancel the physical component of the event or not.
Web address: https://en.fa.ru/about/news/international-affairs/?ELEMENT_ID=757
Contact phone: +7 (929) 7733555, Korchagin Sergey Alekseevich, SAKorchagin@fa.ru.
The seminar is aimed at discussing with the professional community the latest achievements in the field of robotic systems, intelligent electronics, the development of machine vision systems, the application of the achievements of robotics, electronics and machine vision in the field of agriculture, mechanical engineering, medicine, sports, etc.
The Seminar can cover various topics, not limited to, including innovative research in the following areas:
- computer vision and robotics in agriculture;
- computer vision and robotics in sports and medicine;
- robots and production automation;
- unmanned vehicles and autonomous devices;
- fundamental problems of creating robotic systems;
- algorithms and tools for the development of computer vision systems and robotic systems;
- legal aspects of computer vision and robotics.
Important dates
- 17 June 2022: REMV workshop
Article submission
Abstracts, manuscripts up to 12 pages and short articles up to 6 pages, written in English and formatted according to EasyChair templates and must be submitted electronically by sending them to SAKorchagin@fa.ru. Please indicate whether it is a “Full Article” or a “Short Article”. Articles must be based on unpublished original work.
Program committee
- Soloviev Vladimir Igorevich, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, vsoloviev@fa.ru
- Baiburin Vil Barievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Security of Automated Systems, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarina Yu.A., Russian Federation, baiburinvb@rambler.ru
- Kim Vitaly Pavlovich - Research Center for Bioelectrics named after Frank Reidy Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, VP.Kim@physics.msu.ru.
- Bublikov Konstantin V. Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IEE SAS), Bratislava, Slovakia, elecbubl@savba.sk.
- Korchagin Sergey Alekseevich, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, sakorchagin@fa.ru
- Maksimenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Neurosciences and Cognitive Technologies, Innopolis University, Kazan, Russian Federation
- Nikitin Petr Vladimirovich, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Russian Federation, pvnikitin@fa.ru.