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FORTE 2024 - 44th International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems

FORTE 2024 is one of the three conferences of DisCoTec 2024, the 19th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques.

Topics of Interest

FORTE 2024 is a forum for fundamental research on theory, models, tools, and applications for distributed systems.

We invite submissions focused on foundational aspects of distributed software systems, presenting approaches or tools to formally model, soundly implement, and rigorously validate these demanding but ever more necessary systems and applications. As our dependency on such software systems grow, also our responsibility as researchers grows to provide both trustworthy and usable solutions.

The main topics of interest include:


Important Dates (AoE)

For papers:

For artefacts:

DisCoTec conference: June 17-21, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Contributions must be written in English according to one of the three categories described below. Apart from journal-first papers, all papers should report on original, unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP codes of conduct, under Links).

Submissions must be prepared as a PDF using Springer’s LNCS style. Submissions not adhering to the specified constraints of their respective category may be rejected without review.

Categories of Papers

All papers should be submitted in LNCS format. We solicit papers in the following categories:

Artefact Submission and Evalution Guidelines

FORTE 2024 includes an artefact evaluation performed by the artefact evaluation committee (AEC). Refer to this page for additional details.

Keynote speakers


The conference proceedings, formed by accepted submissions from any category, will be published by Springer as volume 14678 of LNCS-IFIP.

Journal Special Issue

After the conference, accepted papers (except for tool papers) selected from FORTE and COORDINATION programmes will be invited to a journal special issue of the Logical Methods in Computer Science, with the following tentative schedule:

Selected tool papers will be invited to a journal special issue of Science of Computer Programming’s Software Track.

Program Committee Chairs

Program Committee Members

Artefact Evaluation Committee Chairs

Artefact Evaluation Committee

Steering committee

More Information

For additional information, please contact the Program Committee Co-chairs: forte2024 at easychair dot org

Sponsors & Supporters

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