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DisCoTec 2024 - 19th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques

Welcome to DisCoTec 2024!

DisCoTec is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS).

DisCoTec 2024 took place in Groningen, The Netherlands, between June 17-21, 2024, hosted by the University of Groningen.

Venue: Groningen, The Netherlands

Conference Location

Bernoulliborg (Bernoulli building)
Faculty of Science and Engineering
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen

More Information

See detailed information about Groningen here.

Main Conferences

DisCoTec gathers conferences that cover a broad spectrum of distributed computing subjects — from theoretical foundations and formal description techniques, testing and verification methods, to language design and system implementation approaches:

Satellite Events

DisCoTec 2024 will include workshops on a broad spectrum of distributed computing subjects.

Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to announce the following keynote speakers:

Go to the dedicated page for details on these keynote lectures.


Go to the programme page for detailed information.


The proceedings of the main conferences will be published as volumes in the Springer LNCS-IFIP series.

The volumes will be open access from the IFIP digital library after a 3-year embargo.

The proceedings are freely accessible for the duration of the conference.

Best Papers

COORDINATION and DisCoTec 2024

A Probabilistic Choreography Language for PRISM (DOI)
by Marco Carbone and Adele Veschetti


Compact Storage of Data Streams in Mobile Devices (DOI)
by Rémy Raes, Olivier Ruas, Adrien Luxey-Bitri, Romain Rouvoy


Weak Simplicial Bisimilarity for Polyhedral Models and SLCSη (DOI)
by Nick Bezhanishvili, Vincenzo Ciancia, David Gabelaia, Mamuka Jibladze, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink and Erik De Vink

Journal Special Issues

Selected papers accepted at the main conferences will be invited for submission to special issues in high-quality journals:

Please visit the page of each conference for details on these special issues.

Important Dates (All Conferences)

The following deadlines expire at 23:59 anywhere on earth (AoE) on the dates listed below:


At least one author of papers/presentations accepted to the DisCoTec events (main conferences and workshops) must register by the early registration date.

The deadline for online registration has passed. The interface for registration was available at the registration page.

Important dates:


We strongly recommend booking a room as soon as possible: mid June is a busy period in the Groningen area.

The DisCoTec events will take place in the Zernike campus, which is located in the north part of the city. The campus is about 4 km from the city center, where most hotels are located. We recommend staying in the center, as there are good bus connections with the Zernike campus.

You can book accommodation using well-known platforms such as and airbnb.

Alternatively, we have blocked a limited number of rooms in selected hotels for DisCoTec participants. These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To get details about prices and secure your booking, please check here.

Scientific Committees

COORDINATION Program Committee Chairs

DAIS Program Committee Chairs

FORTE Program Committee Chairs

DisCoTec Artefact Evaluation Chair

Organizing Committee

Steering Committee

Further Information

Sponsors & Supporters

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