Photo credit: Robin Mathlener via Unsplash

ICE 2024 - 17th Interaction and Concurrency Experience

Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICE) is a series of international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer science researchers with special interest in models, verification, tools, and programming primitives for concurrent systems and complex interactions.

ICE 2024 is a satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2024, held on Friday 21th June 2024 at the University of Groningen in Groningen, The Netherlands.



The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied aspects of interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among components of concurrent/distributed systems, related to several areas of computer science in the broad spectrum ranging from formal specification and analysis to studies inspired by emerging computational models.

We solicit contributions relevant to Interaction and Concurrency, including but not limited to:

Accepted Papers

Programme and Pre-proceedings

The pre-proceedings are here.

All times are listed for CEST (Central European Summer Time)

Time CEST  
8:50-9:00 Opening
9:00-10:00 Jorge A. PérezAsynchronous Session-Based Concurrency (Invited talk)
10:00-10:30 Muhammad Usama Sardar - Towards Formal Verification of Attested TLS: Potential Replay Attacks on RA-TLS (oral communication)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Franco Barbanera - Safe Composition of Systems of Communicating Finite State Machines
11:30-12:00 Doha Ouardi - The B2SCala Tool: integrating Bach in Scala with security in Mind
12:00-12:30 Farid Arfi - A Maude Formalization of the Distributed Reconfiguration Language Concerto-D
12:30-12:40 Closing
12:40-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Panel - Future of Ice (open to all) Zoom Link

Invited Speaker: Jorge A. Pérez

Talk: Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency

While formal models of concurrency tend to focus on synchronous communication, asynchronous communication is of clear practical relevance: it is the standard in most distributed systems and web-based applications nowadays. This talk will discuss asynchronous communication in the context of session-based concurrency, the model of computation in which session types specify the structure of the two-party protocols implemented by the channels of a communicating process.

In my talk, I will overview several recent results on asynchronous session-based concurrency. Specifically, I will discuss the challenge of ensuring the deadlock-freedom property for message-passing processes that communicate asynchronously in cyclic process networks governed by session types.


Jorge A. Pérez is Associate Professor (tenured) at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Since 2019, he leads the Fundamental Computing Group, one of the research groups of the Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to his current position in Groningen, Jorge worked as Post-doctoral Researcher at NOVA University Lisbon (2010-2014) and obtained his PhD at the University of Bologna (2010).

Jorge’s research interests concern Concurrency Theory, Semantics of Programming Languages, and Logic in Computer Science. During February 2019 - January 2024, his research was supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) under a prestigious VIDI grant entitled “Unifying Correctness for Communicating Software”.

Important Dates

All dates are in the Anywhere on Earth time zone, and deadlines are firm.

The ICE Selection Procedure

Since its first edition in 2008, the distinguishing feature of ICE has been an innovative paper selection mechanism based on an interactive, friendly, and constructive discussion amongst authors and PC members in an online forum.

During the review phase, each submission is published in a dedicated discussion forum. The discussion forum can be accessed by the authors of the submission and by all PC members not in conflict with the submission (the forum preserves anonymity). The forum is used by reviewers to ask questions, clarifications, and modifications from the authors, allowing them better to explain and to improve all aspects of their submission. The evaluation of the submission will take into account not only the reviews, but also the outcome of the discussion.

As witnessed by the past editions of ICE, this procedure considerably improves the accuracy of the reviews, the fairness of the selection, the quality of camera-ready papers, and the discussion during the workshop.

ICE adopts a light double-blind reviewing process, detailed below.

This year, ICE implements a two-round paper submission procedure, with the understanding that all deadlines are now firm, and that papers submitted during the second round will have less time for discussion and feedback.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via hotcrp.

We invite two types of submissions:

Authors of research papers must omit their names and institutions from the title page, they should refer to their other work in the third person and omit acknowledgements that could reveal their identity or affiliation. The purpose is to avoid any bias based on authors’ identity characteristics, such as gender, seniority, or nationality, in the review process. Our goal is to facilitate an unbiased approach to reviewing by supporting reviewers’ access to works that do not carry obvious references to the authors’ identities. As mentioned above, this is a lightweight double-blind process. Anonymization should not be a heavy burden for authors, and should not make papers weaker or more difficult to review. Advertising the paper on alternate forums (e.g., on a personal web-page, pre-print archive, email, talks, discussions with colleagues) is permitted, and authors will not be penalized by for such advertisement.

Papers in the “Oral communications” category need not be anonymized. For any questions concerning the double blind process, feel free to contact the ICEcreamers.

We are keen to enhance the balanced, inclusive and diverse nature of the ICE community, and would particularly encourage female colleagues and members of other underrepresented groups to submit their work.


Accepted research papers and communications must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors.

Accepted research papers will be published after the workshop in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.

We plan to invite authors of selected papers and brief announcements to submit their work in a special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier) (to be confirmed). Such contributions will be regularly peer-reviewed according to the standard journal policy, but they will be handled in a shorter time than regular submissions. A list of published and in preparation special issues of previous ICE editions is reported below.


Use ice (at) to reach all the ICEcreamers at once.

Programme Committee

Steering Committee

Previous Editions

The previous editions of ICE have been held on:

More Information

For additional information, please contact the ICEcreamers at ice (at)